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What to Do If My iMac Can't Recognize SD Card?

I inset my SD card into my iMac but I can't see it on the desktop, in other words, it can't be recognized by my iMac. I'm sure the SD card worked well before and I stored some files on it. So, is anyone here who has the same issue as me before can help me? Thanks!!

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Eudora Liu

Eudora Liu

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Multiple reasons cause your SD card not to be recognized on your iMac, for example, your USB port is not working or damaged, the SD card reader is defective, the SD card has been formatted incorrectly, etc. You can check whether you can see your SD card in Disk Utility first.

No matter why your SD card can't be recognized, you can use iBoysoft DiskGeeker to detect your SD card and check its hardware integrity.

Step 1: Free download and launch iBoysoft DiskGeeker.

Step 2: Connect your SD card to your Mac.

Step 3: Wait to see whether iBoysoft DiskGeeker reads the SD card in the left sidebar.

In addition to using third-party software for help, here are some other ways to fix that SD card can't be recognized on iMac.

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