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How to fix my new Mac not mounting the external drive?

I'm having so many issues with my new macbook pro (2022 14" M1). So frustrating. The newest issue is that it no longer mounts my external working drive. Upon trying to mount it via Disk Utilities I get the error (com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error 49153.) Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Anna Yuan

Anna Yuan

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error usually means that there are some problems on the drive or macOS, making your external drive cannot be mounted by the Mount feature in your MacBook Disk Utility. Consequently, you can't access photos, videos, documents, or other files on the hard drive.

When you see the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error appearing on your MacBook, using Disk Utility First Aid to repair it at once. If First Aid failed to fix the issue, then your external drive should be damaged severely, the last fix you can try is to reformat it.

But reformatting will erase all the data on this drive, so it's recommended to recover files from the external drive with a data recovery tool first, here we recommend iBoysoft Data Recovery - a professional external drive data recovery software, capable of recovering files from corrupted external hard drives, SSD, SD cards, and USB drives on Mac. 

This easy-to-use macOS program can scan the corrupted/damaged external drive and search for any lost files, then you can preview the scanned results and recover all the files you want. 

After successfully recovering data from the external drive encountering the com.apple.DiskManagement.disenter error, you can format the external drive on Mac. Reconnecting the external drive again after reformatting, it should be mounted in the Mac Disk Utility correctly. 

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