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WD Elements not showing on MacBook but working on Windows

Hi there, I'm having issues with my MacBook Pro not recognizing my external hard drive. Nothing has worked even after using the disk utility. After unplugging the external hard drive and turning on and off my PC. WD Elements 1TB is the external hard drive I have. My MacBook does not display the external hard drive, even though I have tried it with my parents' Windows computer. I wanted to clear out my desktop as I make videos for YouTube and it's currently packed. I have this external hard drive with all of my videos and green screen images. Help, please.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Amanda Wong

Amanda Wong

Answered on Friday, June 14, 2024

If the WD Elements drive shows up on Windows normally but doesn't appear on the Mac, the problem could be with the connection and your Mac computer.

What does it mean when you say the external hard drive not showing up on Mac? To make it clear, if the WD Elements don't show up in the Desktop or Finder's sidebar, it could be caused by incorrect system settings. If the external hard drive doesn't appear in Disk Utility even if you click View > Show All Devices, then the drive is not recognized, you should check the connection first. It could be the USB port, USB cable, and USB hub causing the drive not to show up.

Follow this complete guide to fix the External hard drive not showing up on Mac.


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