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How to fix my iMac startup chime is not working?

Dear Mam/ Sir, the original Apple startup chime, I'm used to hear, is not playing, or any sound, I've tried following the steps in preferences/ sound/ play sound on startup/ there are several sound modes, the original Apple one is not one of them, but though, neither sound played on startup, notice that I've re-installed my iMac to factory default recently, and installed every possible update pops-up, kindly seeking your help and support, thank you.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Amanda Wong

Amanda Wong

Answered on Wednesday, April 24, 2024

By default, you should hear a sound when you start up the Mac, if you find the startup chime is not working, the reasons could be manual muting, problematic internal speaker, and system glitches. Therefore, you can try to fix the issue from these aspects.

Actually, the startup sound doesn't affect any as your Mac still boots up as normal. But if the startup chime works fine but suddenly you can't hear it, you may want to know what the problem is. When the startup sound is not working on your Mac, you can troubleshoot this issue with these methods:

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