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How do I delete apps from Launchpad when there's no x icon?

Since 2011, we have been asking this and no one seems to get it. I typed in Google ''apple how to remove an icon from the launchpad" but didn't get much useful information. Because I feel like a bit of an idiot struggling with a simple task like deleting the icon. But yea.. looks like apple can't let us delete used apps from the Launchpad.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Jenny Zeng

Jenny Zeng

Answered on Friday, June 14, 2024

There are two ways to delete apps from Launchpad on Mac, depending on whether the app is downloaded from the App Store or the internet.

Way 1: Delete App Store apps from Launchpad

You can directly delete apps installed from the App Store with these steps:

  1. Open Launchpad.
  2. Find the app you want to delete.
  3. Click and hold the app until it starts to jiggle.
  4. Click the "x" icon on the app to delete it.

This will remove the app from Launchpad and your Mac. If the app doesn't have a delete button, it means that it's downloaded through an internet browser. You need to delete it from the Applications folder.

Way 2: Delete Internet apps from Launchpad

If the app you want to delete comes from the internet, follow the steps below to get rid of it.

  1. Open Finder.
  2. Click Applications on the left.
  3. Right-click the app you want to delete and select "Move to Trash."

If the app shows up in Launchpad but not in your Applications folder, type a dot into the search box. When the app is revealed, you can remove it from Launchpad.

Read more:

[Fixed] How to Uninstall Programs on Mac/MacBook

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