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Can't copy/move files to iMac desktop with a forbidden sign

I can't copy files or folders to the desktop of my iMac. A circle with a line across it appears when I drag a file or folder to the desktop; after that, it returns to its original location. How can I stop this from happening and what causes it?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Amanda Wong

Amanda Wong

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The prohibitory symbol you're seeing typically suggests that the file or folder you're attempting to move might have permission issues. You can try to change file permission on Mac first. It may also be necessary to modify the permissions on the disk, server, or folder that you want to move the item to.

Here's how to change permission on Mac for files:

1. Select the item, then choose File > Get Info or press Command-I.

2. Click the arrow next to Sharing & Permissions to expand the section.

3. Click the pop-up menu next to your username to check the permissions settings.

You might have to click the lock to unlock it if you're not logged in as an administrator, then enter your administrator name and password (or use Touch ID or your Apple Watch).

4. Change the permissions to Read & Write

If these steps don't work, try to create a new user account, some Mac users find this solution helpful.


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