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[Fixed] Incorrect Disk Space Issue on Mac

My MacOS shows roughly 400GB free space whereas Disk Utility is full! There's a backup of some folders on iCloud and there's a Time Machine daily backup on an external drive. I did a full internet reinstall but it didn't fix the free space disparity between my Mac and Disk Utility. I used CCleaner to delete about 2 GB space from log files and application cache, I emptied the Trash, and I also used the Teminal command sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2023-06-02-123456 to delete the two backups I could see and now it shows 30 GB free. Finally, there is even with 30 GB free space, I'm unable to download anything. Please give me some advice.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Sherry Song

Sherry Song

Answered on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hi, don't worry, though you have tried some common ways, there are still other fixes you can try.

( 1 )Restart your Mac. Apple menu > Restart.

( 2 )Try to enter Mac Safe Mode. 

( 3 )Remove purgeable space. If you find the amount of free disk space in Disk Utility is less than that in Finder, there could be purgeable space on the drive. Let's delete the purgeable room with some reliable software like iBoysoft DiskGeeker.

( 4 )Reindex Spotlight. Apple menu > System Settings > Siri & Spotlight > Scroll down and find Spotlight Privacy, click the add button select the disk to add, then select the disk that you just added, and choose the remove button. Click Done.

( 5 ) Repair the drive. Open Disk Utility, select the wrong drive in the left menu, then choose First Aid on the top, then click Run then Done.

Hope you can fix your problem. 

Also read: How to Fix macOS Shows Different/Wrong Free Space

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