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How To Access Bitlocker Encrypted Drive Without Recovery Key?

I'm wondering if this software will help me with my problem. So basically I transferred files from the SSD to the HDD so I could do a clean install of Windows 10 on it. After installing the OS, I tried accessing the HDD through the newly installed OS on the SSD, and it says Bitlocker locks the HDD. I tried to access the key through my mom's Microsoft account but the key is not there, only for the SSD drive, not the HDD.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

You can access a BitLocker encrypted drive either using the BitLocker password or the BitLocker drive encryption recovery key. Forgetting the recovery key won't cause a big problem since you still have a password to unlock it. Therefore, go to find the password you created when enabling BitLocker on the HDD. But if you fail with both, try some BitLocker password recovery tools there:

BitCracker, Thegrideon BitLocker Password, Elcomsoft Distributed Password Recovery, and Passware Kit.

For more solutions, please visit: How to Unlock BitLocker Drive Without Password & Recovery Key?

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