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How to Deal with Disk Utility Displays Wrong Storage Space on Mac

When I wanted to start a project on Photoshop, the program would say the disk was full. This led me to start deleting a bunch of files from my internal drive Macintosh HD. Then I tried PS again, and the same thing happened. According to "About This Mac", it says there's 600GB available now but when I check Disk Utility, it says the drive is still full but files are purgeable. Why is this happening and how can this be fixed? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Sherry Song

Sherry Song

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Hello, according to your description, you can try these methods below.

( 1 ) Empty the Trash. You have already deleted some files, but maybe you haven't emptied them. Open the trash, right-click, and choose Empty Trash.

( 2 ) Restart your Mac. 

( 3 ) Try Mac Safe Mode

( 4 ) Remove purgeable space. Try a useful tool iBoysoft DiskGeeker to remove purgeable space.

  1. Download, install, and launch iBoysoft DiskGeeker.
  2. Select your internal hard drive from the menu.
  3. Click Clean Junk from the right toolbar and select the folder from the left to view the contents, then select the ones you want to clean, and click Clean > OK.

( 5 )Repair the drive. Open Disk Utility, select the drive on the left, and click First Aid on the top menu, then click Run>  Done.

( 6 ) Rrase the local snapshots. Open Terminal, type tmutil listlocalsnapshots / then type sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots Date. Finally, type for d in $(tmutil listlocalsnapshotdates | grep "-"); do sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots $d; done.

Hope you can see the right space in the Disk Utility in the end. 

Also read: macOS Shows Wrong Free Space in Disk Utility/Finder/Storage

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