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File system verify or repair failed. (-69845) on Mac? Help!

When repairing the Macintosh HD - Data volume with First Aid, I received the error below: error: fusion middle tree: invalid "from" range 0x400000a071d46:1 Fusion data structures are invalid The Volume /dev/rdisk2s1 could not be verified completely File system check exit code is 8 Restoring.... File system verify or repair failed: (-69845) . I tried fsck and fsck_hsf from terminal to no avail. How can I fix it?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Jenny Zeng

Jenny Zeng

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

"File system verify or repair failed. (-69845)" is an error you may see when the drive being repaired by First Aid has file system corruption. To fix it, you can run First Aid on the drive and all its partitions.

Sometimes, Disk Utility First Aid will report errors when you only repair a specific volume rather than all volumes and the physical disk. Take the following steps to perform a full repair:

  1. Boot into macOS Recovery Mode.
  2. Select Disk Utility > Continue.
  3. Click View > Show All Devices.
  4. The physical disk and its logical volumes will now appear. If your drive is formatted with APFS, you should also see the container.
  5. Repair the top-level physical disk first, then the container and other volumes until all are fixed.

If the error "File system verify or repair failed. (-69845)" persists, you can run fsck in Single User Mode to repair the disk. Here's how to boot into Single User Mode:

On T2 Mac and Apple Silicon Mac: Boot into Recovery Mode and use Terminal.

On Intel Mac without T2 chip: 

  1. Turn off your Mac.
  2. Press the power button, then hold down Command + S until seeing a black background with white text.
  3. Enter your password if prompted.

Once in Single User Mode, you can run the following command"

fsck -fy

The last resort is to back up your Mac, erase it and then reinstall macOS. 

For those who can't back up their Mac, they can run iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac from Recovery Mode to retrieve their data. 

As for those who encounter "File system verify or repair failed. (-69845)" on external drives, they can download iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac from the button below to get their files back.

You can preview the found files for free with this professional data recovery tool.

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