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How to recover deleted AVI files on the camera SD card?

I recorded some video clips (.avi) with my Canon Ixus 70, but unfortunately, I accidentally erased ONE crucial.avi file. How can I recover or restore a deleted.avi file? I am attempting to recover a deleted.avi file using Data Rescue II, which I own. I was able to recover jpeg files successfully, but not .avi files. Is it possible to recover video/.avi files with Data Rescue II? If not, what other program would you suggest that I use for my CASE? We much appreciate your assistance! Regards

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Amanda Wong

Amanda Wong

Answered on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

AVI file is supported by Data Rescue. You can try another data recovery software if you can't recover the deleted AVI files on the camera with Data Rescue. Besides, if the deleted AVI files are overwritten by the newly taken images and videos, you can't recover them.

If Data Rescue fails to recover the deleted AVI files from the camera SD card, you can try other professional data recovery software. Here, we recommend iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac to recover deleted photos and videos on a Canon camera. it supports AVI and other 1000+ file formats, it can scan the target storage media for deleted/lost data, and you can filter and preview the scanned results, then recover the desired items to a different location.

Just free download, install, and open iBoysoft Data Recovery software on your Mac to recover files!

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