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How To Delete An App And Its Associated Files From A Mac?

How can I uninstall the app and it’s files from my MacBook Pro? I read online there is online downloadable programs but I don’t know who is trustable besides able.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Speaking of the professional app uninstaller on Mac, I would give iBoysoft MagicMenu a big thumb. Compared to the native remover on Mac that requires you to delete the app and its associated files separately, iBoysoft MagicMenu uninstalls the app and takes all pertinent files away at the same time. 

iBoysoft MagicMenu is a fabulous app remover that not only removes the app from your Mac quickly but also lists all associated files like caches, preference files, user settings/files, downloads, packages, root files, etc. for you to determine what to delete. You can check the useless files by toggling the box close to them, and then iBoysoft MagicMenu will delete the app and files altogether!

Besides, it is far more than just a brilliant app uninstaller. It also allows you to complete a bulk of trifling tasks with right-clicking, like opening a new file in sorts of formats, compressing, analyzing space, cutting and pasting, converting images to other formats, and so on. You can rest assured and have a try!


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