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Startup Disk Says It's Full But It's Not on Mac

I wonder if somebody can help me please, I had some serious problems with my computer at the moment. All of a sudden I get an error message along the lines of: "startup disk full". However, the computer I'm using has over 160 GB of space left on it. I've checked for viruses, repaired my permissions, deleted my mail,s and followed this thread but it still shows "Startup Disk is almost full" Can you give some advice? Thank you in advance.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Sherry Song

Sherry Song

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Because you have checked your disk space, you can try these fixes below:

( 1 ) Remove unwanted files on Mac. When this error shows, it's time to do some cleaning. But it's difficult to find all useless files on your Mac, you can use a disk-cleaning tool such as iBoysoft DiskGeeker, which can find all junk files and permanently delete them.

( 2 )Uninstall unused apps. For the Terminal, Launchpad, or Finder, they just clear the app itself, the leftovers will still take up space, so you are suggested to utilize iBoysoft MagicMenu, which can uninstall the app and the related files together permanently.

( 3 )Empty Mac Trash. Right-click the Trash icon in the Dock and choose Empty Trash.

( 4 ) Back up large files to iCloud or other external drives.

( 5 )Delete browse caches.

Hope your Mac startup disk can work normally.

Also read: Mac Startup Disk Is Full, How to Fix.

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