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How To Recover Deleted Files From iCloud Drive?

After deletion of those files from "Recents" folder, the same files were also automatically deleted from icloud drive. The usual protocol to restore those deleted files from the iCloud Drive does not work. The iCloud drive "recently deleted tab" is empty. Is there anyway to get these files back?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Hi there, I found that so many users are confused about the definition of iCloud Drive and cloud storage. iCloud Drive is an online storage website that syncs all the files and folders and their modifications in real time across devices. In other words, if you delete a file on any of your devices, it will also be deleted from the iCloud Drive even if you log into other devices with the same account. Yet cloud storage is more like a backup utility that backs up all the files on your device with your permission or settings. The file won't be deleted even if you delete the original one on your machine. 

To recover deleted files from iCloud Drive, you can give iBoysoft Data Recovery Software a shot to scan for the file trances on your machine. 

For more info, please visit: How To Restore Deleted Files From iCloud Drive On Mac?


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