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How To Fix ZIP Error Couldn’t Communicate With A Helper Application?

I have successfully used the Compress function on a number of files recently, but have encountered a problem doing it with two large ones. (One of these is a folder containing several files.) The process starts and seems to go smoothly for a some hours, but then failed with this Zip error message: "Couldn’t communicate with a helper application." Help! Any suggestions on how to address this problem? The file is a little under 90GB in size.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Zip error "Couldn't communicate with a helper application" can be caused by a temporary system glitch or compressing file failure on your device. You can quit the Zip progress and relaunch the compressor again to complete the compression task. Or, you can try another compressor -- iBoysoft MagicMenu to check if the error code still happens.

It's a right-click menu utility that allows you to perform various tasks including file compressing on Mac with a simple right-click. With it installed, you can select one or multiple files or folders, right-click on them and choose Compress to zip your files. 

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