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How To Fix Mac That Doesn't Have Access To An External Hard Drive?

I have recently purchased a 1TB easystore external hard drive, so I could install the entire Logic sound library, but Logic says it 'Doesn't have access' to the ex. hard drive. I need to figure out how to give permission to Logic to access the hard drive. Please help.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

If your Mac has no read or write access to the new drive, you ought to check if the drive is formatted to a Mac-compatible file system. If not, go to Disk Utility and format it to HFS, HFS+, or APFS file system right at this moment. 

Here is the detailed step: How to Format (External) Hard Drive for Mac and PC? A Stepwise Guide

If you would like to use this hard drive on both Mac and Windows, keep it NTFS-formatted and install iBoysoft NTFS for Mac on the macOS device, so the drive will be mounted in read & write mode automatically once it is connected to Mac, and you can read and write it with ease.


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