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Can't export RAW files from Photos to external drive on Mac

Currently, I'm using a 2020 MacBook Pro with an Apple M1 chip with Monterey 12.0.1. JPG and RAW files may both be uploaded to Photos and edited there without any problems. I have a problem when I attempt to export the original RAW file to an external hard disk. Occasionally, "unknown error" or "cocoa-1" error. The RAW file may occasionally export successfully (but this is rare). I've tried using File>Export>Export Original Unmodified as well as holding the Option button while dragging the image to the external device to export the file. I've made mistakes in each of them. This mistake first occurred a few months ago. I had no problems exporting the original RAW files before that.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Amanda Wong

Amanda Wong

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

If you can't export the RAW photos from the Photos app to the external hard drive, you can try to export it to a desktop folder, and then drag-drop to the folder to the external disk.

When you can't copy photos from Mac to external hard drive, the possible causes could be the permission issue on the external drive, incorrect files system, corrupted photos, etc. Therefore, one thing needs to be verified: do you upload photos from and export photos to the same external hard drive? If the answer is yes, there shouldn't be issues related to permission and file formats.

There is a workaround when you can't directly export from Mac Photos to an external hard drive, that is to create a folder on the Mac desktop, export the RAW photos from the Photos app to the new folder, and then you can transfer the folder from Mac to the external hard drive.


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