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How do I expand a compressed .sit file on Mac?

I downloaded a printer driver with the .sit extension on my Mac but can't figure out how to decompress it. When I double-click the .sit file, it shows me code but won't expand. Do I have to download Stuffit to expand the file?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Jenny Zeng

Jenny Zeng

Answered on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Yes, to expand a .sit compressed file on a Mac running Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you need to get the Stufflt Expander.

Just download it from its official website, then right-click the .sit file and select Open with Stufflt Expander.

(By default, macOS can only expand compressed files in ZIP format.)

Some background about Stufflt Expander:

The software can handle a variety of file formats, including its proprietary .sit and .sitx formats, as well as other common archive formats like .zip. Over time, as built-in archive utilities became standard on most operating systems and other third-party tools gained popularity, the prominence of StuffIt Expander waned. However, it remains a useful tool for those needing to open older .sit or .sitx files.


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