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BootCamp not showing up in startup disk after installing NTFS for Mac

I have an iMac 18, 3. I have installed Windows on my BootCamp partition and booted to it successfully before. Recently, I can't boot into Windows by holding the Option key at startup because the BootCamp is not showing up anymore. The only big change I made was to install Paragon NTFS for Mac. How do I fix it?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Jenny Zeng

Jenny Zeng

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Paragon NTFS driver is probably having conflicts with your Mac's native NTFS driver, preventing the BootCamp partition to show up in the startup disk. You can try uninstalling it to see if the issue is resolved.

If not, or you need an NTFS for Mac tool to write to the Boot Camp partition on Mac, use iBoysoft NTFS for Mac instead. It can automount your Boot Camp Windows partition and NTFS-formatted external drives in read-write mode, allowing you to work with NTFS drives on Mac freely. 

More importantly, it allows you to switch to the Boot Camp Windows partition easily. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Download iBoysoft NTFS for Mac for free.

Step 2: Launch iBoysoft NTFS for Mac, select your BootCamp partition from the left side, and click Startup.

Step 3: Select your Windows partition and click Restart.

Read Also:

[3 Ways] Read and Write Microsoft NTFS Drives on Mac

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