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Is It Possible To Recover Data From MacBook Pro 2018 With A T2 Chip?

I have a 2018 macbook pro which has been damaged by water. Luckily the T2 chip and ssd are intact. I know the data recovery port has been removed from the motherboard by apple. It is possible to recover the data? Can I do it on my own or I have to send it to a professional. Thank you.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

In fact, it's impossible to recover files from a water-damaged MacBook Pro with a t2 chip since the SSD and the T2 chip are soldered on the motherboard. There is no way to take the SSD down separately and retrieve files stored on it. You can retrieve the files stored on it as long as you repair the MacBook Pro well and make it turn on normally.

Therefore, you should ask the local Apple stores if they can mend your Mac or if they have any way to make you out. For ways to recover data from a device with a T2 chip, read this article please: Recover data from MacBook Pro/Air 2018/2019/2020(T2 chip)

Take care~


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