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Why iCloud Deleted Videos Still Showing on Other Devices?

I deleted over 400 videos from Photos on my Mac, I also cleared them from the Reecently Deleted. I have my Mac and iPhone synced to iCloud. Both iCloud online and my iPhone are still showing all the videos. What happened and how do I fix this?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Sherry Song

Sherry Song

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Hello, according to your description: One possibility is that it sometimes takes days for all this information to get shared among all the devices. 

(1) Maybe you can wait for the iCloud syncing for all Apple devices.

(2) Check whether the iCloud is open both on your iPhone and MacBook.

(3) Check all the Internect connection is fine both on your iPhone and MacBook.

Also read: How to Delete Photos from iCloud?




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