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Can't Agree to Terms and Conditions on Mac? Fixed!

Updated on Thursday, December 26, 2024

iBoysoft author Jenny Zeng

Written by

Jenny Zeng
Professional tech editor

Approved by

Jessica Shee

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Although Mac is a reliable machine most of the time, it's not free from bugs. As one of the common issues, users have found themselves stuck on Terms and Conditions on Mac. This may happen in different situations where agreeing to Apple's terms and conditions is an essential step for completing a task.

For instance, you may be unable to get past Terms and Conditions at setup, when configuring iCloud or when updating your Mac. This article will help resolve these three variations of the issue.

Mac stuck on Terms and Conditions: Agree button grayed out

Mac stuck on Terms and Conditions due to the Agree button grayed out

When setting up a Mac, you'll need to agree to Apple's Terms and Conditions. While it's as simple as clicking the Agree button, sometimes it just won't work. Typically, the Agree button will be grayed out, rendering your MacBook stuck on Terms and Conditions

Many users have encountered this issue after signing into iCloud in the setup assistant window when trying to install or reinstall macOS or reset the password. If that also happens to you, you can fix the "Mac stuck on Terms and Conditions" issue by avoiding signing in with your Apple ID before agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.

This has been approved to work for a lot of users who are stuck on Terms and Conditions at setup.

How to get past Terms and Conditions on MacBook/desktop Mac:

  1. In the "Terms and Conditions" window, click Back.
  2. You'll be brought to the page where you signed in with your Apple ID.
  3. Don't sign in with an Apple ID. Instead, click "Set Up Later."
    Fix Mac Terms and Conditions agree grayed out
  4. Click Skip to confirm the action, then you'll notice the Agree button become clickable.
  5. Click Agree to accept Terms and Conditions.

Then continue to finish the macOS installation. After setting up your Mac, you can log in with your Apple ID in System Settings or System Preferences to use iCloud, FaceTime, iMessage, and more.

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Can't agree to Terms and Conditions on Mac: No Agree button

When attempting to install macOS Ventura or another macOS version, you may find yourself unable to agree to Terms and Conditions because there's no Agree button. If you have scrolled all the way down but still find no button that says "I accept," try performing the installation from Terminal.

Can't get past Terms and Conditions on Mac: Click Agree/Accept reloads the window

When signing in to your Mac from System Settings or System Preferences to set up iCloud, you may stuck on iCloud Terms and Conditions because whenever you click the Agree or Accept button, the terms will just reload.

To fix it, you can try signing in to Apple on the webpage and remove your Mac, then create a new account and configure iCloud, and accepts the terms from there.

What to do if Mac won't let you accept Terms and Conditions:

  1. Sign in to Apple with your Apple ID from the web.
  2. Pass Two Factor Authentication.
  3. Click Devices and select your Mac.
  4. Click "Remove from account."
  5. Create a new account.
  6. Retry signing into iCloud on your Mac.

Also read: New iCloud Terms and Conditions Keeps Popping Up(Mac/iPhone)