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Why Does iCloud Move All Files I Created To The Root Folder?

Whenever I create or move a new file from my PC into the iCloud Drive synced directory, iCloud will move those files and folders to the root of the iCloud Drive, forcing me to manually find the file and move it back to where I want it using the web interface. I have no issues with this on the iPad or Web browser, only on my PC. I have several PCs and it does this on all of them, even fresh installs. It's really maddening. Does anyone else have this issue?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Hi there, I have never heard or met the trouble that the file/folder created and saved to a specific directory goes to the root folder of iCloud. However, some people did tell me that they had encountered such trouble with OneDrive. To shed light on this, you must place all shared folders on the top OneDrive folder, also known as the root folder. As for iCloud, you can place or move the shared folder as you like and it has nothing changed. Based on your trouble, you're recommended to send a report to Apple for a solution directly.

Good luck~

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