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Is There A Way To Delete The Apps That Came With My Mac?

I'm trying to delete apps on my mac that I don't use, such as Mail, News, and Stocks. Is there a way to delete them? When I try to drag it to the trash, the trash can is grayed out telling me that I can't. I'm just hoping there is a way around that. Thank you!

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

You're allowed to delete five apps that come with your Mac, including Keynote, Pages, Numbers, GarageBand, and iMovie. For the rest of pre-installed apps, Apple regards them as parts of the operating system, leaving you no chance to delete them. If you're tired of seeing them on your desktop, you can quit them from the Dock. Just right-click the app > select Quit from the dropdown menu > then it will disappear from the Mac Dock.


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