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Is NTFS for Mac Safe on Mac/MacBook?

I have an iMac running High Sierra. Is NTFS for Mac safe or even necessary? What about other Paragon products? I just deleted all the WD & Seagate products off my Mac.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Sherry Song

Sherry Song

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Hello, according to your description, maybe you mean whether the NTFS drives for Mac are safe or not.

Is NTFS for Mac safe? Firstly, you have to know the NTFS formatted drive can't be written but only be read on Mac, because it's only supported for Windows.

(1) If you have an NTFS-formatted drive that is no longer needed for Windows,  it would be best to copy the data to your Mac or to another drive and reformat the drive to a more Mac-friendly format like APFS, HFS+…

But note reformatting will lose all the data.

(2) If you need to share data between a PC and a Mac, then using NTFS drives for Mac is a good choice. 

iBoysoft NTFS for Mac is a good tool for you, which allows you to read and write NTFS drives on Mac seamlessly. And it's easy to uninstall if you don't need it.

Also read: How to Enable NTFS Write on Mac?

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