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How To Restore The Overwritten Old Data From The Partitioned Drive?

I'm probably not asking the question properly, please forgive me. Just bought a new MacBook Pro. Time Machine prompted me to set up backups. It's late, without reading properly I hit 'ok' and instead of it backing up to my Time Capsule, it started to partition an external hard drive full of family photos. I yanked out the cable (yeah I know) to stop it. The drive is readable and formattable, but First Aid won't fix it and I can't mount it. It recommends I back up the data from the drive, but I'm struggling to see how I can access anything on it. I have the option to create a disk image still - might that help in some way? it wants to make a 2 TB image which means buying a new hard drive if I'm to move the contents anywhere, but if there's a way to go in, pull out what data I can, and format the rest, I'd be happy. Even if not by using anything built in, recommended software would be appreciated too. Any help much appreciated.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Hi there, you can try using iBoysoft Data Recovery Software to restore the files on the external hard drive. iBoysoft Data Recovery Software is a wonderful data recovery utility that is designed with advanced disk scanning skills and data recovery algorithms.

With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, you can utilize iBoysoft Data Recovery Software to restore the files on your external hard drive with ease:

Step 1: Free download and install iBoysoft Data Recovery Software on your device.

Step 2: Connect your external hard drive to your computer and launch the data recovery utility.

Step 3: Select your hard drive in the main menu of the utility and then click Search for Lost Data.

Step 4: Click Preview to check your files after the disk scanning process ends.

Step 5: Click Recover to begin the recovery process and save the results properly.

Good luck~

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