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How To Fix The Fusion Drive Not Mounted On iMac?

After a failed attempt to upgrade my iMac (Late 2015, with Fusion Drive, running macOS Catalina 10.15.7) to Monterey, and nearly bricking my device in the process, I was able to get back to a normal state of Catalina with one exception: the SSD is not mounting so I only have the HDD. I want to return to using the Fusion drive and am content with Catalina and have given up on Monterey. Attached are screen shots of what Disk Utility and About this Mac/Storage look like. How do I get from present state to use of the Fusion drive? I have a full Time Machine backup if needed. Thanks.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Given that you have full Time Machine backup files, it's not hard to fix the Fusion Drive not mounted issue. There are sorts of worthwhile measures you can take to pass the Fusion Drive being unmounted obstacle: mount the Fusion Drive with the Terminal, run Disk Utility First Aid to repair the Fusion Drive, use Terminal to fix the unmounted Fusion Drive, fix the unmounted Fusion Drive with FSCK, reset NVRAM, and enter Safe Mode. If all these mentioned workarounds fail to mount the Fusion Drive, the final hope you can rely on is to erase the Fusion Drive and reinstall macOS.

For the people with no backup, the top-tier matter is to get all important files and documents at hand, iBoysoft Mac Recovery Mode helps a lot in this case scenario. This article has more details: Fix iMac Fusion Drive Not Mounting in macOS Recovery Mode.


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