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How To Fix The External Hard Drive Is Not Accessible After Mac Power Off?

I recently went out of town and while I was away the power went out. After that my external hard drive can’t be read and won’t show up on my desktop. It is showing up in Disk Utility as unmounted but it won’t allow me to mount it back. It has happened before but eventually was recovered so I am hoping the same will happen again but if anyone has any tips on how to fix it, my life is kind of on this hard drive.

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The power outage could have killed the External Hard Disk. Please disconnect any external peripherals, reboot in Safe Mode, and then restart normally. Then attach the External Hard Disk in question and verify if it can be located. If it cannot, open Disk Utility and check to see if it is visible; if so, download the free version of DriveDX and execute it on the External Hard Disk. If any errors appear on the report, it indicates that the External Hard Disk has failed and has to be replaced. 

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