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Disk Utility Does Not Show Options for exFAT

I want to format my 4TB external WD EasyStore drive for transferring files from my Mac to a Windows PC. However, I only see the four options of Apple File System formats in Disk Utility, no the exFat option. Why? How can I format the external WD drive to exFAT?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Connie Yang

Connie Yang

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

What is the format of your external WD drive? Which one do you select when formatting, the external drive or a volume on the drive? From your description, I suspect that you select a volume of the external drive and the format of the external drive is APFS. Thus, when you reformat the volume on the drive, it only shows four APFS options in the format drop-down menu.

You need to click the View button on the Disk Utility toolbar and then select Show All Devices. Next, select the whole external WD hard drive rather than the volume of it and click Erase. You will see exFAT and other format options available from the format box.

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