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Can't cut files on Mac: Cut option grayed out in Edit menu

I am trying to organize a lot of files on the server, and I cannot click on "cut" in the edit menu. It is greyed out. I thought maybe it was because it was a remote connection, but even on my own hard drive it doesn't let me cut and paste files. When I do this on Windows, I can "cut" files (and the file icons turn faded to signify this), then I navigate to wherever, and then I "paste" them, and the OS performs the necessary functions to take care of this. I tried restarting, but still no 'cut.' Please help!

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Jenny Zeng

Jenny Zeng

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The cut option is grayed out because you can't cut files or folders on a Mac. You can only cut texts. 

If you want to cut and paste files on Mac, you can drag and drop them while pressing the Command key. 

This may be inconvenient if you're used to Windows's way of cutting and pasting things. If you also like right-clicking files to cut and paste them, you can get iBoysoft MagicMenu for your Mac. With it installed, you can right-click on the selected files or folders and click "Move To" to quickly cut and paste files on Mac.

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