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How To Fix Can't Connect An Old LaCie Hard Drive To MacBook Air 2020?

I have an old LaCie hard drive (d2 FW 80G) from about 2000 that has thousands of photos of my son that I am trying to connect to my current MacBook Air (2020, Catalina). I have the original Firewire 400 cable routed to a Firewire 400>800 adapter to a Firewire>Thunderbolt adapter connected to a Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 adapter to my Mac. The power light is active on the Lacie, Ive tried re-starting my Mac then powering on the HD, Ive shut down and re-started with no results. No icon is appearing for the HD on the Mac. Is there anything else I can try?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Too many connectors may cause trouble when you work with the drive on your Mac, you're suggested to apply a USB-C to USB-B cable to connect the drive to your Mac. After that, go to Disk Utility, click the View button to tap Shows All Devices, and then see if your LaCie hard drive shows up there. If it does, click the Mount button on the top toolbar to make your drive run manually.

Moreover, since you mentioned that the LaCie external hard drive is old, you'd better replace a new external hard drive for future storage work. Do not forget to back up all files on the old LaCie drive because the drive falling happens at any time and leaves no possibility for data recovery.

Take care~

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