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How To Recover Lost Files Within App On iPhone?

Hi, Guys! Freaking out here a little. I would really appreciate your help. I have been using this app called Jotnot Pro which is a scnning app for a long time. For whatever reason recently I couldn’t directly access my pictures to scan, so I deleted app (I chose the option to keep existing files), and reinstalled the app. Before I deleted, I made sure this app was on the ‘backed up’ list. Then I find out all my scanned files are gone. So I decided to go back to the most recent backed up state for my phone from icloud. I deleted the whole content of phone and went back to most recent backed up state from icloud. Still, there is no files I can see within this App. Everything else has been restored tho. So I thought maybe I should go back even furthur down into the past, but now the icloud is saying I never ‘backed up’ this phone previously. I am losing my mind here. Any advice?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Friday, June 14, 2024

Feel sorry about your loss, firstly. According to your data loss, you're recommended to utilize some iPhone data recovery software for a try. Besides, connecting the Jotnot Pro team for professional fixes also works fine in some cases. 

Good luck~


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