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How to Avoid File Duplicates in FC Project File Management?

After modifying Settings or Storage Locations, I like to store my sfx and music files in "Media & Cache" folder. But I found the music or sfx flles will copy in Final Cut Original Media" folder, how to avoid this case?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Sherry Song

Sherry Song

Answered on Friday, June 14, 2024

Easy to solve this. In Final Cut, the decision to copy files to the “Final Cut Original Media” folder depends on the type of media you are working with and the preferences you set in your Library. Maybe these tips below can help you to avoid this case happening:

  1. Media Import Settings: When you import media into Final Cut, please choose"Copy to Library" not “Leave files in place”.
  2. Check Storage Locations: Verify that your storage locations are set as intended and are consistent with your workflow.
  3. Review Project Library Size: Keep an eye on your project library size to identify if media is being duplicated unintentionally.

If you encounter duplication issues, you can manually remove duplicates from the library and relink the media to the original files. And it's a good idea to check the latest documentation or forums for any relevant information.

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