How to Fix Mac File System Check Exit Code Is 8?

When I used the First Aid in Disk Utility on an external drive, I got an exit code 8.

What is this and how to deal with it?

Hi! It looks like you are encountering the issue the file system exit code is 8. This error typically indicates that:

  1. Disk Utility found issues it couldn’t repair.
  2. The repair process failed.
  3. There is a corrupted file system during the file system check…

So you can try checking the drive’s connection, and then running the First Aid a few more times. Or see whether it’s wrong in Mac Safe Mode.

If the error code still exists after trying some fixes, maybe you have to reformat your external hard drive: Disk Utility > Select the drive > Choose Erase > Enter the name and choose the file system type then click Erase.

But be careful to recover and back up all the data first because there is possibly wrong with your drive. iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac is an effective drive to recover lost data from some problematic drives, especially if you even don’t have recent backups.

After recovering data, then fix it with:

  1. Check errors via Terminal: Open Terminal, and type diskutil verifyDisk /dev/diskX (replace diskX with the correct identifier for your external drive). If there are errors, you can try diskutil repairDisk /dev/diskX.
  2. Enter Single User Mode on Mac to fix.

Good luck to you.

Maybe this post can help you: Fix the “File System Check Exit Code Is 8” Error on Mac.