How to Uninstall Magician for Mac?

I don’t want to use Magician for Mac. How can I completely uninstall it from my iMac?

Usually, you need to do the following to thoroughly uninstall an app from a Mac:

  1. Check if the app has a built-in uninstaller. If it has, use its built-in uninstaller to uninstall it. If not, move the app to the Trash.
  2. Go to your user’s Library folder to find the subfolders that contain the associated files of the app, such as Application Scripts, Application Support, Caches, Cookies, etc. Then, delete the files related to the app.
  3. Empty your Mac.

If you think it is hard for you to manually delete the app and its associated files, you are suggested to use a professional app uninstaller like CleanMyApp. This app is freeware and can help you uninstall your unwanted app and everything about it with a click.

Manually uninstalling apps from a Mac usually won’t delete them completely. You’d better use the app uninstalling program to help you.