Help! Save a textedit file as CSV format

Hi everyone, I copied the contents of my password account download into TextEdit and want to save it as a CSV file. However, I can only choose formats like “.rtf” and can’t directly select “.txt” or “.csv”. Does anyone know how to save it as a CSV file in TextEdit properly?

  1. Switch to Plain Text Mode:You can open TextEdit and find the Format menu at the top, then select Make Plain Text. This will convert the document from rich text (.rtf) to plain text.
  2. Save as a CSV File: Click File, then click Save As > Manually type the extension “.csv” at the end of the file name (e.g., myfile.csv) > Choose a location and click Save.
  3. Confirm the File Extension: If the file doesn’t show as .csv, right-click on the file in Finder, select Get Info, and manually change the extension there.

I think you can save a textedit file as CSV format using Terminal.

  1. Open Terminal: Applications > Utilities > Terminal.
  2. Copy the text content to your clipboard.
  3. In Terminal, type the following command. Replace myfilen.csv with your desired file name and press Enter.
    pbpaste > myfilen.csv

This command will take the contents of your clipboard and save it directly as a CSV file.