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How To Fix An SD Card Won't Mount On A Mac But Works On A Camera?

I have an SD card that simply will not mount; I've tried it in two Macs, two PCs, and two different card readers. I'm attempting to recover some images from the card; it was formatted in the camera and then had two photos captured and written to it. The strange thing is that if I insert the card into another camera, it works, as evidenced by the two photographs taken after formatting. Any thoughts on how to mount the card in order to run recovery software?

Best Answered by

iBoysoft author Vain Rowe

Vain Rowe

Answered on Monday, April 29, 2024

Hi there, as for the trouble that the SD card works well on your camera but fails to mount on your PC and Mac, I guess that it is defective. You can try to force mount it on Mac via launching Disk Utility >  selecting your SD card > tapping on the Mount menu on the top menubar.

Once you mount the SD card successfully, use iBoysoft Data Recovery Software to start the files you want.

If not, check this article for more solutions: [Solved] How to Fix SD Card Not Mounting on Mac?

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