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Why Does My Encrypted Disk Image Say Not Encrypted?

So I have quite a specific question here; I'm using Disk Utility to create a Disk Image and encrypt the image with a password. Once the image is created, when I mount it (both the disk image and container), it asks me for the password and then mounts the image as a drive. Great! But... when using Disk Utility to view the information of the disk image, underneath all the configuration I see the label: Is Encrypted? No. So my question is, why is it listed as not encrypted? I've checked my internal drive and it is listed as Yes. So I am just puzzled as to why the disk images aren't showing this when indeed I'm selecting encryption and they're asking me for a mount password. Any ideas?

Best Answered by

Vain Rowe

Answered on Monday, April 29, 2024

I guess that you can give the terminal command a shot that gives you a way to check if the disk image is really encrypted. You can run the following command in Mac Terminal:

hdiutil isencrypted /../../encrypted.dmg

For example:

hdiutil isencrypted /Users/user/Desktop/Untitled.dmg

Or for more details with the encrypted type:

hdiutil imageinfo /../../encrypted.dmg

For example:

hdiutil imageinfo /Users/user/Desktop/Untitled.dmg

Hit Run to begin the encryption check after the command line is fulfilled.